French Verb Être: How to Use, Conjugation & Examples
Être is a french verb that means “to be”, it’s used to express the state, qualities, characteristics or location of people, animals or things, for example “Je suis bon” – I am good, “Nous sommes ici” – We are here, “Le chat est grand” – The cat is big”. A verb in general, is a word that expresses an action, an act, a movement, or a state. According to Larousse, they refer to the activities done or experienced by people, animals, or things and their states of being. Examples are “To eat”, “To go”, “To feed”, etc.
Conjugation of Être in the present tense

French | English |
Je suis | I am |
Tu es | You are |
Il/elle est | He/She is |
Nous sommes | We are |
Vous etes | You are |
Ils/Elles sont | They are |
Examples or sentences
Être in imperfect tense (l’imparfait)
The imparfait is a commonly used verb tense in French that describes past actions without a defined ending. As it is used frequently, it is an important tense to learn.
French | English |
J’ étais | I was |
Tu étais | You were |
Il / elle était | He/she was |
Nous étions | We were |
Vous étiez | You were |
Ils / elles étaient | They were |
How and when to use être
Être is a versatile verb that serves various purposes. It can be used to form attributive sentences (where a quality is expressed), as an auxiliary verb for verbs of movement, and also as an auxiliary verb for reflexive verbs (those that reflect in the subject itself).
In attributive sentences
Attributive sentences describe or attribute a characteristic.
- Être as an auxiliary of verbs of movement
Verbs of movement (les verbes du mouvement) express displacement from one place to another, they are sixteen verbs and some are: To go, to arrive, to leave, to run, etc.
An auxiliary verb is a complementary verb, which is used to accompany another main verb.
- As an auxiliary verb of reflexive verbs
Reflexive verbs reflect the action back to the subject, like “I dress myself”.


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