Days Of The Week In Spanish

List of days of the week in English and Spanish. Includes phonetic pronunciation for each Spanish day

The days of the week in Spanish (Días de la semana) are essential words that are a fundamental part of everyday vocabulary. There are seven days of the week in Spanish: Lunes (Monday), Martes (Tuesday), Miércoles (Wednesday), Jueves (Thursday), Viernes (Friday), Sábado (Saturday), and Domingo (Sunday).

It’s important to note that the days of the week follow specific grammar rules, particularly in regards to using the appropriate articles when constructing a sentence. Below is an explanation of these rules.


Other related words 

DayDía (m)
WeekSemana (f)
Days of the weekDías de la semana (m)
DateFecha (f)

See also: Months of the year in Spanish

Grammar rules

  • The days of the week in Spanish are written in lowercase, and they are capitalized only when they are the first word of a sentence.

“Mi día favorito es el sábado” (My favorite day is Saturday) is written in lowercase, while “Sábado de chicas” (Girls’ Saturday) is capitalized as it’s the first word of the sentence.

  • To express what day it is, use the phrase “Es” (it’s) followed by the day of the week.
  • Es domingo. – It’s Sunday
  • Es jueves. – It’s Thursday
  • To indicate that an event has taken place or will take place on a specific day, use the definite article “El” before the day.
  • El viernes es mi cumpleaños. – My birthday is on Friday.
  • Voy a visitarte el martes. – I will go visit you on Tuesday.
  • El miércoles no hay clases. – There no school on Wednesday.

Other time expressions

The day after tomorrowPasado mañana
The day befote yesterdayAntes de ayer
The next dayEl día siguiente
The last dayEl día anterior
The last dayEl último día
BirthdayCumpleaños (m)
Public holidayDía festivo
NoonMediodía (m)
AfternoonTarde (f)
EveningTarde (f)
NightNoche (f)
MidnightMedianoche (f)

Sentences with the days of the week in Spanish

  •  Mi cumpleaños es el lunes. – My birth day is on Monday.
  •  Es viernes y el cuerpo lo sabe. (Popular in latín america) – It’s Friday and the body knows it.
  • Esta noche veremos estrellas. – Tonight we are seeing stars
  • Es el último día de verano. – It’s the last day of summer
  • Dime la fecha del día festivo. – Tell me the date of the public holiday
  • Es mediodía, tengo hambre. – It’s noon, I’m hungry
  • La escuela inicia el lunes 4 de octubre del 202x. – School starts on Monday, october 4th, 202x

Quiz and exercises 

Here’s a short quiz and exercise to test your knowledge of the days of the week in Spanish:


  1. What is the Spanish word for “Monday”?
  2. How do you write the days of the week in Spanish?
  3. Which article is used before the weekend days in Spanish?
  4. When do you capitalize the days of the week in Spanish?
  5. How do you say “It’s Thursday” in Spanish?

a. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate day of the week in Spanish:

  1. Hoy es ___________.
  2. Mañana es ___________.
  3. El concierto es el ___________.
  4. No trabajo los ___________.
  5. ¿Vamos al cine el ___________?

b. Translate the following sentences

  1. Today is Wednesday.
  2. What day is it tomorrow?
  3. My favorite day of the week is Friday.
  4. We have a meeting on Thursday.
  5. I don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays.


  1. “Lunes”
  2. Days of the week in Spanish are written in lowercase, and they are capitalized only when they are the first word of a sentence.
  3. “El” is used before the weekend days in Spanish.
  4. The days of the week in Spanish are capitalized only when they are the first word of a sentence.
  5. “Es jueves.”


  1. Hoy es martes.
  2. Mañana es miércoles.
  3. El concierto es el sábado.
  4. No trabajo los sábados.
  5. ¿Vamos al cine el viernes?


  1. ¿Qué día es hoy?
  2. Mañana es lunes.
  3. El partido de fútbol es el sábado.
  4. No estudio los domingos.
  5. ¿Quieres ir al cine el viernes?

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